Wow, it's been almost two months since I've posted to my blog, and for the few people that actually read this, I apologize. A lot's happened over the last month and a half, with the highlight being my surprise visit back to Austin for my 30th birthday. I told very few people about the trip, so I could maximize my surprise from my friends, which was difficult enough, as the purpose of me flying back was to enjoy the start of my 3rd decade with my friends, and that would just be wasted time away from them in the short amount of time I had.
I started classes at the Mandarin Training Center (MTC) today, and it's a lot more intensive than I thought it was originally. It's nice to have a routine, and get out and interact with people. I was starting to get a little stir crazy the last few weeks being cooped up in the apartment. My class is fairly diverse, with people hailing from Brazil, Brunei, India, Myanmar (Burma), a Tibetan monk, and 3 others from the US. There will be a lot more to update, but for now, I need to finish up my homework and get some sleep as my class starts at 8:10am (blech).
Wan an!